
The Business Management Support Foundation is a not for profit organization for open business innovation. We are a non-governmental, privately held foundation based in the Netherlands. Every one can join us in this open innovation network. The foundation is devoted to interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature of complex systems. The foundation is created in 2007 to support research and development of innovation projects.

The purpose of the foundation is to stimulate and perform research and development on the broad field of system sciences and practical applications. We do this by creating networks with other non profit organizations and profit organizations. Are main goals are:

  • Create an open innovation platform for sharing knowledge for all our partners.
  • Developing a body of knowledge of solutions for business problems that work!
  • Research on problem solving methods in various fields, to help on useful transfers from one field to another.
  • Contribute to the development of better theoretical models in areas which lack them to solve business problems faster.

The BM-Support Foundation aims to be not only a research platform but we are encourage developing new value using open innovation principles.  Our universal language is system science. Since research & innovation is often difficult in small and medium enterprises (SME), we especially encourage SME companies join our open network.

Systems Science is the study and application of general methods of problem solving and general principles governing systems of widely differing types. Systems concepts and techniques are extensively used for both applied and research purposes. In industry and government, considerable demand exists for professionals who are skilled in modern methods of decision making and systems design and who are capable of managing complex social and technical systems. In mathematics, engineering, business administration, and the natural and social sciences, systems theorists continue to make important contributions to the growth of knowledge within academic disciplines and to the application of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries.

The BM-Support Foundation is a platform where scholars and practitioners from across the disciplinary spectrum, representing academic, business, government, and non-profit communities, can come together to share ideas and learn from one another. More information on Radical Open Innovation and our foundation can be found here.

If you want to know who the people are driving this open organization. Just click here.


To support the infrastructure of our foundation we rely on (private)donations, sponsorship (resources) and gifts. Contact us if you like to support our donate to our foundation.

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